Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hermes “Winks” At Indian Customers With Limited Edition Saris

So how does one of the most renowned luxury brands (if not THE most recognized luxury brands in the world) Hermes “wink” at Indian customers? With limited edition Hermes saris, of course!

Hermes has launched an initiative to create a limited line of silk saris inspired by its famous silk scarves which are worn by some of the most glamourous women in the world. The saris range in price from $6,100 to $8,200 USD.

Hermes is looking towards the future by investing in India. It might be because India’s fashion market is estimated at over 2 billion dollars and is growing by 20% each year. Also, most Indian women still wear traditional Indian clothing while opting western luxury bands when choosing their shoes, handbags and accessories. Hermes is taking the next step by offering Indian women more than just accessories and rather a one stop shop for an entire outfit.

The brand launched their second boutique in Mumbai this year where the saris are now available. However, the brand is still unclear on whether this is going to be a long term venture. We’ll keep you posted.

Images via The Telegraph

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